At All About Dogs our knowledgeable and experienced groomers are happy to answer all of your questions.
We welcome dogs of all shapes and sizes and offer a variety of grooming options to match your dog’s breed and lifestyle. We use a variety of Earthbath, Bio-Groom and TropiClean products that will get your dog squeaky clean and is gentle on his skin.
We will do our best to schedule your appointments to accommodate multiple dog families and dogs that need a little extra TLC due to anxiety or physical limitations.
If your busy schedule makes it difficult for you to keep your dogs on a proper grooming schedule All About Dogs offers a variety of services to lend you a helping hand. We have daycare (enrollment procedures apply) for those young at heart that like to play and make friends, a day sit in our kennel for dogs that prefer individual attention, or our Taxi can pick up or drop off your dog at home.
Teeth Brushing
Full-Service Groom Before & After

Full-Service Groom Before & After

Short hair or long, regular dog grooming has important health benefits. Regular baths and brushing keep your dog fresh and clean.
Regular dog grooming allows you to spot changes in your pet’s skin or coat, including lumps, bumps, injuries or external parasites such as fleas and ticks. Brushing helps remove dead hair and prevents painful mats.
Nail trims is another important part of the grooming routine. Scheduling frequent trims can prevent the unnatural strain and discomfort on the paws and legs of your dog. Nails can be clipped or ground. Grinding will give a smoother edge and is better tolerated by some dogs.
Routine dog grooming from a young age can help your dog get acclimated to being touched and handled, which is beneficial at times of illness or injury.