17th Anniversary Tree Dedication
It is only our dedication to our passion that distinguishes us as “the best” from the rest of the crowd.
Each day brings us a fresh opportunity to set the standard of how dedicated and committed we are to providing the best possible service to our clients and their human parents. That would be 6,205 days of opportunities as of today. Whether that opportunity is to get an anxious or frightened dog to engage with someone; teach a dog a new trick or positive behavior, give a dog a spa day or make a matted miserable dog feel better by cleaning it up.
Or even just a fun loving, outgoing dog having a great day playing with its friends. We’ve had opportunities to save dog’s lives with medical attention and we’ve also had the opportunities to be with dogs as they crossed the rainbow bridge. Those are the opportunities and the team members that were and will continue to be part of them, that make AAD what it is today.
I’d like to thank everyone that has brought their furry kids to All About Dogs over the last 17 years. You have made us an important part of the community that we serve and in return All About Dogs would like to dedicate this beautiful Dogwood Tree to you and every single dog that we have cared for, passed and present. I hope this tree plants its roots as deep as All About Dogs has here in Auburn Township.
Thank you, Auburn Township for allowing us to plant this dedication here at the community park. We are here every day, bringing joy to a pet that isn’t home with its family.
Thank you all so much!
Deanna Cejer
Owner of All About Dogs