We offer Ala Carte services that can be added to any scheduled groom. Walk-In Services like nail trims are also available. It's best to call ahead to confirm a groomer is on hand. Learn more.
We feel it’s very important to have an active presence in our community. There are so many dogs in our area that need a helping hand, and we pride ourselves on being out on the front line.
Instructor: Laura B. Class Dates: Fridays 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 12/6, 12/13 – No class 11/29 Designed for the dog and handler team looking to learn a new skill, our Scent Work for Beginners class will teach your dog to …Continue reading →
Instructor: Laura B. Class Dates: 9/22, 9/29, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3 – No class 10/6 For dogs that have already completed our Scent Work for Beginners class and wishing to continue to improve their skills by practicing harder scent puzzles, …Continue reading →
Facilitator: Laura B. This run thru is for dogs that are already trained in scent work to find Birch. This is not a class to teach your dog scent work but is intended to give you a place to practice …Continue reading →
Instructor: Laura B. Does your dog have a good sense of smell and need an energy outlet? Scent work might be just the thing for them! This workshop is for dogs that have never before been trained for finding essential …Continue reading →